"I overlooked it." You realized it when you saw Park Young-hyun, the infield solution that you've been thinking about for years?

"I overlooked it." You realized it when you saw Park Young-hyun, the infield solution that you've been thinking about for years?

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KT Wiz recently revised its infield plan. KT has pushed forward with its plan to beef up its offense power by putting Hwang Jae-gyun, 38, who retired as a backup infielder this season, in line with situations such as second and shortstop, but its plan changed recently when KT coach Lee Kang-chul said, "We will send Hwang to third or first base." "I felt like neither Hwang would work if he leaves various positions," Lee explained.

We have a chance to see the future. KT's main infielders are older than others. The main infielders, including first baseman Moon Sang-cheol (34), Oh Jae-il (39), second baseman Oh Yoon-seok (33), shortstop Kim Sang-soo (35), and third baseman Huh Kyung-min (35), are all players in their mid to late 30s. Manager Lee Kang-chul believed that if Hwang Jae-gyun, who is the No. 1 backup player, takes over all positions at a time when generational change is urgent, young players will miss the opportunity to grow.

"It's good to have a good performance right now, but then there might be nothing left this year," coach Lee Kang-chul said. "We don't know what will happen as shortstop Kim Sang-soo is older and Hwang Jae-gyun is also eligible as a free agent after the end of the season. If that happens (if we don't give young players a chance this year), we have to come up with an infield plan next year," he said, stressing that now we have to think about the future.카지노

As for the backup positions of second and shortstop, we want to make them a place where young players can grow up. Second and shortstop had been agonizing over a long time. Although the government tried to find a successor to Park Kyung-soo (41, retired), no young player stood out, and the second baseman is still agonizing over his position. Shortstop Shim Woo-joon (30) moved to another team (Hanwha Eagles) as a free agent this year, and Kim Sang-soo's shoulders have become heavier. These positions require backup.

Young players are making their mark through last year's wrap-up camp, this year's spring camp, and exhibition games. Chun Sung-ho (28), Kwon Dong-jin (27), Kang Min-sung (26), Yoon Joon-hyuk (24), and Yoo Jun-kyu (23) have made great efforts to impress coach Lee Kang-chul. Notably, they are fast-paced and can change the team's color, which was the lowest in stolen bases (61) last year. "Young players should also have fun (while playing in games). Young players have skills and potential," Lee said.

Manager Lee Kang-chul is well aware that there will be many trials and errors given the possibility just now. However, just as the pitchers have found the answer, the infielders are also trying to overcome the crisis in the same direction. "If you look at them (from the pitching staff) after spending full time for a year somehow, they will clearly grow," Lee said. "Park Young-hyun and Won Sang-hyun have grown like that. I think I overlooked this situation," Lee said. "I will close my eyes and use (young infielders). I will wait until the players grow up."

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